Google Trends Works For SEO

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by andrewsho

Google Trends API

Most of my readers should be familiar with Google Trends and the SEO benefits of using the service as a keyword research tool. For those of you new to the concept, Google Trends shows you terms that a lot of people are currently searching for on Google. Place those terms on your website and you might be able to generate a lot of traffic quickly by ranking for the trendy term.

This is one of those items I always recommend clients doing but which they rarely do. It requires effort and thinking about programming (not code programming, content programming). Apparently there is a Google Trends API coming soon which should make things easier.

While we’re waiting for Google to hand us the keys to the car I thought you all might be interested to see how this stuff really works.

If you caught my riveting post on how every word on your site is an ad (not to mention 69 News!), you may have noticed that I dropped the term “trojan.win32.linkreplacer” into the post which was a popular term on Google Trends yesterday.

Within an hour of posting I was ranked on page one of Google for the term and I was there for most of the day although today I got bumped down to page 3.

Over the last 24 hours I received 33 referrals from Google for that term. Now that may not seem like a big number but consider this – My link on Google looks like a SEO-related link , so most searchers looking for help with the trojan thing won’t be interested in it.

Now imagine if one of those trojan seekers (get your mind out the gutter please) decides to become a regular reader of my blog or subscribe to my feed. For about one minute’s work I’d say that’s a pretty good return. And if one of them becomes a client that is some serious ROI.

Let’s see if I can keep it rolling. Here are two Google trends words for today that I think could be somehow related to someone who at some point might want SEO services:

geothermal pump

electronics journal

Maybe I’ll put one of these up per day over the next couple of weeks and report back the results.

On another note my good friend Roelof Botha was just named an expert judge at the Techcrunch 50 Conference.

Also check out Mark Kvamme’s presentation on The Future of Advertising Agencies.

So what are you waiting for. Get trendy baby!


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