Final Thoughts on Kelsey DMS ’08 Atlanta

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by andrewsho
  1. SMBs don’t want to buy web, mobile, print, etc. – they want to buy leads (although for many it’s hard to define what a lead is or how much they are willing to pay for one)
  2. While the big print yellow pages are aggressively growing their digital assets it seems like squeezing efficiencies out of the print model (e.g. riding your sales force hard) is an even bigger focus and priority
  3. Since no one company is going to be able to dominate a market or category in the near term, they all will be buying traffic from each other for the foreseeable future
  4. Everybody and his brother is planning on building some sort of local directory so they can grab traffic from the incumbents and sell it back to them
  5. SEO is a key part of almost every player’s strategy
  6. The local search industry must be doing well because the food at the conference was better than usual

Thanks again to the Kelsey Group for always putting on a great local search schmoozefest.


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