10 Local SEO Predictions for 2019: Job Security For Local SEOs

SMBs As a Group Will Continue To Not Get SEO A little over a year ago, my dentist moved his office but never thought about updating his listing in Google Maps, Apple Maps or his website. I showed him how to fix the issue, but this morning on the way to my end of the year teeth cleaning, not only was his old location back on Apple Maps, but he had also decided to change his business name from Joseph…

Should Anyone Even Care If Google Now Powers SIRI Results?

Now that Apple has switched from Bing to Google for SIRI’s web search results, I have been trying to wrap my head around the implications for our clients. In keeping with Apple’s secretive ways, it’s not exactly clear there are any. Here’s a voice query result for “outdoor seat cushions”:   The results are typically presented as a set of five results in an iOS tile showing the title, description snippet and URL.

SEO and Voice Search Goes Together Like Sardines and Peanut Butter

Voice search is all the rage. To hear it from a marketing or search technologist, the voice search revolution is on us. Lowering barriers to access and radically changing the way we interact with devices. There is only one problem, take it away Dr. Malcolm I hate to break it to everyone, but voice search is not good. Like straight up not good in terms of being able to consistently provide answers to search queries in ways that are sensical…