Summize Sentiment Search Still Needs Some Tweaking

Apparently Twitter has acquired Summize, which has figured out how to search Twitter and deliver some interesting results.  They also have this “Realtime Twitter Sentiment” search which sounds kind of cool, but like Twitter, needs some serious tweaking (tweeking?). Check out these results: for “Obama” for “McCain” For “oil prices” I guess 2 out of 3 ain’t bad. Update: Actually they got 3 out of 3 wrong.  How many politicians would you categorize as “swell”?  Of course if their algo…

Twitter Just Saved Me $100

@chiropractic just tweeted that this was the last day to save $100 on registration for Pubcon.  I would not have known this if not for Twitter (with a little bit of Mike’s help). So for those of you wondering what the value of Twitter is, I say Twitter >= $100.

Twitter 101 and 201 and 301 and 401…

A little late to this one but I just checked out Chris Winfield’s Twitter: Ultimate Time Waster or Great Tool? presentation from SES Toronto.  It’s a great intro to the service, really well put together and fun to read.  Highly recommended for those who still don’t get it. Check out Chris’s Twitter profile.

More Local Search Deal Rumors

Since I am now trading in local search gossip and innuendo (maybe I should turn this blog into Valleywag Local), I thought you might be interested in a little Twitter-based speculation. I just noticed on Emad Fanous’ Twitter Page that he is now “in the city of brotherly love”.  Now this could be a Tweet that is not meant to be taken literally, but let’s not go that route.  This is a family-friendly blog after all. So why would someone…

Twitter & Local Search

Twitter’s value just went up ever so slighty – I just installed their widget on the right-hand column. After much encouragement by Brian Wallace I have decided to try and make Twitter a regular part of my routine. I have been trying to think about how Twitter could be of use to local businesses and I am not 100% convinced that it’s a big thing for them but here are some initial thoughts: Services like Summize can help you find…