How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Domain Migration?

Over the last couple years, LSG has had the opportunity to work on a few domain migrations that have helped us gain some insights worth sharing. Namely, it’s allowed us to answer the following questions: What should you check before you start a migration? How do implement a successful domain migration? How long does it take to recover from a domain migration? If you’re prepping for a domain migration or you recently did one, this is for you. We’ll cover some case studies of…

Live Event – SEO Office Hours: Why Is My F@#k%*g SEO Tanking?!

Join Andrew Shotland, LSG’s CEO, and Karl Kleinschmidt, LSG’s VP of SEO Strategy for a live SEO office hours session on Thursday, August 18th at 11 AM PT, 2 PM ET. This time they’ll be tackling another important SEO question: “Why Is My F@#k%*g SEO Tanking?!” If you’re a stakeholder or SEO who has frantically asked this question in a moment of panic (or just want to avoid such a situation) you won’t want to miss it. During this SEO…

SEO for Directory Websites: Name Consistency Theory

TL;DR – Local SEO Guide recently conducted research on three local business Directory websites. Our goal was to find new ways that directory websites could increase rankings and visibility with the traffic generated from user searches for listings in the respective directories. We found that directories that matched their title to the listings’ GBP had a 47%-65% improvement in their ranking position. If you are a directory website that’s looking to expand your reach in search, then we’ve got some…

LocalU Recap: How Much Am I Going To Get & How Fast? The Thankless Art of SEO Forecasting

By Andrew Shotland | CEO/SEO Consultant, Local SEO Guide  View the Slides here   Forecasting model shown in this presentation: Presentation Overview  In this Local U presentation, Local SEO Guide’s CEO, Andrew Shotland, explains the big questions around SEO forecasting. Namely, what SEO revenue forecasting is, what are the typical methods that are implemented by SEOs to predict ROI, and some of the reasons these can be problematic.  Additionally, he describes the challenges associated with forecasting methods and outlines…

Update: How Location Page Providers Stack Up for Core Web Vitals

Author: Rachel Anderson – Director of Web Intelligence | Find her here: Twitter In June 2021, I analyzed the web performance of location pages managed by the top location provider brands. Since that article was published several important events have happened: Google finished rolling out the Page Experience Update SOCI acquired Brandify Uberall acquired Momentfeed Representatives from several brands reached out and said they were in the midst of improving Core Web Vitals With all these shakeups and assurances, I…

Dan Peer Reviews Some Research: Top Keywords by Volume

Hi! I’m Dan! I think the SEO discipline is a research based discipline. One of my favorite concepts is Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO), which I’m going to link to rather then explain but I still expect you to read it!  Since bad data begets bad research begets bad tactics begets bad outcomes, I think it’s important to have intellectually honest and valid research. If only our industry was open to peer review. For those interested in peer reviewing other…

How Location Page Providers Stack Up for Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are everywhere in the SEO news these days. We’ve known for years that slower website loading results in conversion loss, and that it impacts ranking, but now we have three metrics to focus on: Cumulative Layout Shift, Largest Contentful Paint, and First Input Delay.  For businesses with physical locations, location pages tend to be some of the most important on the website. As such, we want location pages to have a fast and stable loading experience, which…