Live Webinar Recap: Will ChatGPT Kill Google? – Monthly ML Madness

TL;DR: If you were unable to attend our event, “Will ChatGPT Kill Google?” you can catch the recap here or watch the full recording of the event below. Event Description On February 15th, we hosted the second part of our Monthly ML Madness webinars, where we talked about how ChatGPT will affect Google, the search landscape, and SEO copywriting. Jess Peck, ML engineer at Local SEO guide, joined the CEO and Founder of the Gray Dot Company, Tory Gray, and…

Live Event Recap – SEO Office Hours: The George Santos Guide to Search Volume (Ch. 1)

TL;DR: Full recording above for those that missed our SEO Office hours live event. We revealed our research on how Semrush and Ahrefs don’t always accurately predict search volume. In some cases, they are both inaccurate, and in other cases, one is better than the other. Our research indicates that industry and type of keyword play a large role in their ability to accurately forecast search volume. Organic search forecasting is not easy, and they’re all sorts of assumptions, nuances,…

Live Webinar Recap – AI Content Sucks: A Discussion [Monthly ML Madness]

TL;DR: If you were unable to attend our event, “AI Content Sucks: A Discussion,” you can catch the recap here or watch the full recording of the event below.   In the past few years, AI models have greatly advanced. Tools like ChatGPT and the evolution of GPT, GPT-2, and now GPT-3 make the output of AI copy a lot more human than previous iterations. How Digital Marketers Can Use AI for SEO  The ability to quickly produce large amounts…

Monthly ML Madness – AI Content Sucks: A Discussion

[row][one_third][/one_third][one_third][/one_third][one_third][/one_third][/row] Event Date: January 25th at 10 AM PT / 1 ET Join us on Linkedin live January 25th at 10 am for the first part of our Monthly ML Madness webinars, where we’ll be talking about all things ML and AI. This month’s event will feature some hot takes on using AI/ML to create SEO content. Jess Peck, ML engineer at Local SEO guide, will be joined by SEO Data scientist and Founder of Content Curator, Alton Alexander, and…

Live Webinar: How not to get hacked and lose your 🍑

Event Date: Oct 13th at 10 AM PT / 1 ET ATTENTION FELLOW AGENCIES! Join us live on October 13th to learn how to not get hacked and lose your 🍑! Practices in information security (InfoSec) are crucial for protecting sensitive customer data and guaranteeing regulatory and agency compliance. But as dangers grow and hackers become more skilled, agencies must sharpen their awareness and defenses. This is why Local SEO Guide and Reciprocity, Inc are collaborating to show you how to…

Live Event – SEO Office Hours: Why Is My F@#k%*g SEO Tanking?!

Join Andrew Shotland, LSG’s CEO, and Karl Kleinschmidt, LSG’s VP of SEO Strategy for a live SEO office hours session on Thursday, August 18th at 11 AM PT, 2 PM ET. This time they’ll be tackling another important SEO question: “Why Is My F@#k%*g SEO Tanking?!” If you’re a stakeholder or SEO who has frantically asked this question in a moment of panic (or just want to avoid such a situation) you won’t want to miss it. During this SEO…

Live Event – SEO Office Hours: Name Consistency Theory Findings

Fri, May 20, 2022, 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM PT Local SEO Guide’s CEO, Andrew Shotland,  and VP of SEO Strategy, Karl Kleinschmidt, are holding a live event on LinkedIn this Friday to discuss some exciting new LSG research findings that provide opportunities for optimizing how effectively directory listings rank. This live event & research has SEO strategy implications for: Directory sites SEO stakeholders Multi-location businesses Viewers can expect to come out of the SEO Office Hours session with a…

Live Panel Webinar: The Questionable Art of SEO Forecasting

Do you want to know what SEO initiatives are worth pursuing? Forecasting the ROI of SEO isn’t always easy but there are good (and bad) paths to knowing if what you are planning to do will deliver the results you are looking for. Local SEO Guide will have an open discussion with industry experts to dive deeper into the current trends and improved methods so you can know if a forecast is divination or data science. About the Forecasting Webinar…

LSG Virtual Event – Store Locator SEO Teardown: Core Web Vitals Edition w/ Rachel Anderson

What’s happening? If you’re a multi-location brand, odds are you are licensing a store locator system for your website from a third-party vendor. We at LSG figured if you are going to use someone’s software on your site, you should be aware of how its performance could affect your SEO. With that in mind, LSG is hosting our first ever virtual event on Core Web Vitals! LSG’s Director of Web Intelligence, Rachel Anderson, has performed an exhaustive analysis comparing different…