Moz Local Review – Does It Work?

(Editor’s note: This post has received some criticism that I “gamed” the outcome by using the unusual case of a two businesses with the same address and phone number. While I agree that the majority of businesses won’t have this issue, there still is a huge swath of them that do. We deal with them every day. That said, if you are one of the lucky businesses that is not affected by this kind of thing, then your results with Moz…

Did Local Directories Get Hit By Google’s Doorway Page Algo?

If SEMRush data is directionally correct, this may be a reason why Yelp is looking to sell. Should rebrand as Yikes! — Andrew Shotland (@localseoguide) May 11, 2015 Perhaps SEMRush is still updating but if its organic search traffic graphs are even close to accurate it looks like May is the month that Google took care of all Local family business: Superpages FourSquare DexKnows CitySearch InsiderPages  Merchant Circle Manta Barry Schwartz noted a Google Webmaster Forums thread on…

2014 Local Directory SEO Content Strategy

This post was originally published on Search Engine Land, but I didn’t like how they rewrote the title so here’s the director’s cut: To:           Local Directories From:      Google Re:           Local Search Rankings Hey guys… You may have noticed that over the past year, a lot of the organic traffic to your sites has been… well, we guess the right word is “tanking.” As you know, it is our stated goal…

Foursquare’s Rudest Cities = Great Linkbait

Just caught Greg’s post on this infographic from Foursquare on the Rudest Cities in the world based on the # of expletives mentioned in tips First the Oscars and now this. Methinks Foursquare has recently put a linkbaiter on payroll.

Google Places Iphone App – Nice But No Foursquare, Yelp, etc…Yet

Just checked out the new Google Places Iphone App – “now with Hotpot!”.  It’s a nice enough local reviews service The UI is simple and looks good. Besides being able to review a business, which is nothing new these days, perhaps the biggest thing the app has going for it is the aggregation of all of the other review sites’ reviews. It’s not clear to me that sifting through 50 reviews from various sites on a Google Places App is…

Foursquare Makes A Move…

Foursquare’s new page telling businesses all about how to use Foursquare to offer specials to customers is a step in the right direction. According to TechCrunch Foursquare only has about 2,000 offers in the system now, but I would imagine offering some kind of check-in incentive is on most local search marketers 2010 to-do list. Let’s see what the ever-cranky TechCrunch commenters have to say: On the what’s-the-point might-as-well-kill-myself-side: