Training GPT on Google Quality Rater Guidelines and Why You Shouldn’t Do It

Hello I’m Jess and today I’m gonna show you how to train your own GPT instance on the Google Quality Rater Guidelines and also tell you why it may not be a good idea to do that. Last week I made a thread about this on the blue hell bird site and now this is a longer version of that Tweet Thread. Copy the Colaboratory to follow along at home! Introduction Explanation of GPT and its capabilities GPT is the…

Should SEOs Regret Focusing on Featured Snippets?

Remember when Google finagled with their system to make it so that you couldn’t double dip on Featured Snippets/Instant Answers (Get a Featured Snippet and rank on page 1 in 10 blue links). Well, there are a lot of people who have been skeptical about the value of this particular search feature in this new world. Were they right? Were we all fooled by Google into giving them free content for SERPs (Featured Snippets) that are great for their user…


What is E-A-T? Why It’s Important for Local SEO. “E-A-T” (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) has been a trendy topic in SEO for the past few years. I love this AHREFS chart showing how each month hundreds of new articles on the topic are published. Thanks to Joshua Hardnick for the idea. A lot of the SEO literature on E-A-T focuses on “serious” YMYL categories like Health & Finance, but a perusal through Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines (yes, I read…