2010 Local SEO Predictions Revisited

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by andrewsho

Inspired by John Battele’s scoring of his 2010 predictions I figured I’d see how I did with my 2010 Local SEO Predictions:

  1. The Open Source Yellow Pages Will Emerge
    Let’s see – Citysearch turned into CityGrid and is now supplying yellow pages data/ads to anyone who wants it.  YPG launched its Yellow API strategy.  A slew of Local Search APIs came out.  I could go on, but let’s just call it a +1

  2. (It’s All About) GOOGLE
    The launch of the new Place SERPs would be enough to put this one into the “win” column. But what about Google Hotpot, Google Boost, Google Tags, Google shutting down Adwords resellers.  And how about trying to buy Groupon? +1 with a bullet

  3. What’s Your Demand Media Strategy?
    All I can tell you is one of the most common questions I get from clients is “how can we do something like Demand Media?” +1
  4. YPs Will Launch More Niche Guides Online
    I haven’t really kept track of this one.  DexKnows launched a home improvement guide, but that’s not enough to qualify as a trend.  I’ll give it a push.

  5. Invasion of the Lame Local Games
    You can dispute the “lame” part, but 2010 was pretty much the year when anyone in local inserted the words “game mechanics” into their pitch decks.  I even got it right that Zynga would launch something with a local bent like Cityville+1 with a Nostrodomus badge
  6. AdSense for Local
    CityGrid, Chitika, PaperG, Yext Tags, iPromote and probably others. +1

  7. Reputation Management Wars
    I can’t even keep track of how many of these suckers there are. +1

  8. SMB SEO Budgets Will Increase Dramatically
    I am seeing it.  Are you?  +1

  9. GLBC Will Institute an Agency of Record User
    Wrong! Maybe this year guys? -1

  10. M&A Activity in Local Search Will Take Off
    Maybe the frenzy I was predicting hasn’t taken off, but the Groupon deal alone should be enough.  What the hell – I’ll give it a push
  11. SEO Consultants Will Become Better Known as Marketers
    Maybe wishful thinking, but correct me if I am wrong, but the number of companies that are treating SEO as a core component of marketing and relying on the search perspective to inform other marketing channels. I am giving myself a +1 because it’s my blog and I can.

So there you have it:  8 wins, 2 pushes and 1 loss.  I’ll take it.

2011 predictions coming up soon.


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