Meet the New Google Local SERPs

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by andrewsho

Thought it might be of interest to catalogue the different types of Google Local SERPs I am seeing:

7 Pack Lite
Standard 7 Pack listings with map in right column above ads.  10 Web results below.

UPDATE: 3 Pack Lite
Standard 3 Pack listings with map in right column above ads.  7 Web results below.

7 Pack Lite w/Links
Same as 7 Pack Lite with category and location tag links at the bottom of the Pack.

7 Pack Sandwich
1-3 Web results followed by a 7 Local Listings with Map on the right column.  2 Web results at the bottom.

Death To Directories
First 7 results are Place Page listings.  Map on right column.  6 Web results at the bottom.

UPDATE: Organic Split Pack
7 Pack Lite with A listing at the top followed by two Web results followed by a 6 Pack.

UPDATE: The Places Split Pack
Two Place Listings separated by Web results.

I’ll keep hunting for more.


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