Wix’s Real SEO Heroes! #NSFW

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by andrewsho

Wix has helped millions of small business owners create a stunning online presence and is proud of their sites’ SEO capabilities. So proud, in fact, that Wix has offered $50,000 to anyone who can outrank them in Google for “SEO hero”. In honor of Wix’s SEO Hero contest we have put together a collection of some of the amazing sites you can build with Wix. In my book, these guys are the real SEO heroes.

Generic Viagra SEO Hero!


With hidden black on black text for added pleasure…


Stolen Credit Card Numbers SEO Hero!


HTTPS compliant!



Teen Porn – Baby Sitter Sex SEO Hero!


Targeted internal anchor text FTW!



Racist SEO Hero!


Tons of custom color choices!


Oh wait…According to Wix’s contest rules:

The Hero Website…must not contain content that (i) is sexually explicit, violent or derogatory of any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional or age group; profane or pornographic; (ii) promotes alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing) or a particular political agenda; (iii) is obscene or offensive; (iv) defames, misrepresents or contains disparaging remarks about other people or companies;



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