Who To Vote For In 2008

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by andrewsho

Search Engine Journal has announced its nominations for the Search Blogs Awards of 2007 and I am proud to say that Local SEO Guide has been nominated for best Local Search Blog.  There are a number of other great local search blogs nominated including blogs by Greg Sterling, Matt McGee, Mike Blumenthal, Larry Sullivan, Peter Krasilovsky and The Kelsey Group.  Not bad company to be in.

If you want to start my new year off right please feel free to lob a vote my way.  But I may have to vote for either Greg or Mike.  Greg has been the man on the scene in local search since before I knew what “geospatial search” meant and Mike is the kind of blogger who puts so much detail into his posts that he only blogs when he has something to say (as opposed to this kind of space filling post by yours truly).  That said my kids are really counting on daddy bringing home the gold….

Anyhow you can vote here.

Happy first day of the rest of your life.


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