What’s Your Average Click Through Rate From Google?

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by andrewsho

Google Webmaster Tools recently released a very cool feature in the Top Search Queries report: Clickthrough Rate

Now you can see not only which keywords generate the most impressions on Google for your domain, but also what the CTR of each keyword is.  Even cooler is you can get a sense of what your overall domain’s CTR is and track how that changes over time as a result of SEO changes, SEM and other marketing.

I thought it would be interesting to look at data on a variety of sites to get a sense of what the average clickthrough rate from Google SERPs was.  The sites I looked at are not necessarily a perfect cross-section of Web sites but I think there’s enough volume there to be interesting data.  And perhaps my sharing this will encourage others to put their data out there so we can get a more comprehensive picture.

So without further ado here’s the data:

Total Impressions: 17,632,470

Total Click-Throughs: 1,981,048

Click-Through-Rate: 11.24%

It actually should be higher but my pathetic little blog is bringing the average down with a 0.80% CTR.  That’s what I get for ranking for things like “you suck” and “trainspotting toilet”.

So what’s your Google CTR?

Update: As one of my favorite readers, the #1 New Zealand SEO, mentions below, this data is based on samples and is likely not totally spot on.  As an example, according to Google Analytics this blog got 424 visits from over the past 30 days from a particular query, while GWT Clickthroughs says I only got 170 visits. So this data is not the gospel, but rather an interpretation of the gospel.  Based on some early feedback it seems like other SEOs are seeing similar CTRs.


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