What Is Going On With The SEO Market?

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by andrewsho

Over the past year there has been an absolute explosion in the demand for SEO, and for digital marketing services in general. Here’s what I think is going on.

When COVID hit around March 2020, many businesses shut down their paid acquisition and suddenly realized how over-reliant/exposed they were on paid. Most businesses had either ignored or under-invested in SEO, so suddenly a lot of people got the SEO religion.

That combined with the accelerated online demand from COVID created some kind of perfect storm that has not abated.

And to put the cherry on top of the SEO cupcake, Apple’s roll out of its App Tracking Transparency (ATT) starting with iOS 14.5 appears to have seriously decreased the effectiveness of social media advertising – sorry Facebook. So perhaps this trend is forcing marketers to invest in other “non-paid” channels. So thank you Tim Cook!

Now it seems like more businesses have a baseline SEO budget, or at least the expectations of one, and that is causing the equivalent of what is going on with the rest of the supply chain across the globe.



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