Welcome To Some New & Newly Redesigned Local Search Players

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by andrewsho

Over the past couple of weeks there have been a number of new local search sites come out of the woodwork and I thought it was time to say hi and give them a little linkjuice.

Centerd.com – These guys just relaunched their site.  They are targeting things to do in New York and other cities across the US as the way for people to engage with local businesses.  They are doing some interesting things with local blogs and some nifty natural language technology to extract meaning from crawling what people are saying about the businesses on the Web.

GoMy – A nice-looking social-local reviews site for the UK.  Find reviews of The Selly Sausage Cafe (I need to check that one out definitely) and other restaurants in Birmingham.

YellowSpaces – I just got a note from CEO Constantin Manta that they launched today.  If you are looking for the best pizza in New York City, give it a try.

GenieKnows – Apparently these guys just got a facelift too. From what I can tell it looks like they are focused a lot more on social/reviews and de-emphasized the games and health content. Could be a good way to find Vancouver hotels.

Click2Connect – Another great way to find Houston restaurants.

I’m sure I have missed a bunch, so if you are new or just got a face lift, drop me a line and I’ll add you to the post.


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