Txtio is Kind of Cool

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by andrewsho

Just got a demo of Txtio from my bud Eugene Belenky. Eugene bills Txtio as “SMS marketing done right” and he may be onto something. Txtio is launching next week.

The service is basically a SMS marketing platform for local businesses. They provide you with a local phone number instead of the short codes that most SMS marketers use – the idea being that local phone numbers are more familiar and easier to use than short codes. You then build your subscriber list and can easily message them with custom texts. The texts can be posted to Twitter, Facebook and ShowMeLocal (Eugene’s site).

I am not a big fan of getting unsolicited commercial messages via SMS (thanks AT&T), but when you opt-in I think it can be pretty powerful. And I really liked the simplicity of Txtio’s platform.

While Txtio is one of thousands of marketing services being thrown at SMBs these days, it definitely seems to be more useful then “let me set up a Twitter account for you”. Check it out.

Full Disclosure: This is not a paid endorsement, but I am a fan of Eugene’s 🙂

And while we’re on the subject of promoting stuff, if you are looking for a great Hawaii Wedding Photographer, I highly recommend checking out Modern Twist Photography.


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