Too Bad Most SMBs Can’t Afford Superbowl Ads

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by andrewsho

Earlier today I thought I had uncovered evidence that GoDaddy faked it’s “real” SMB quitting their job Superbowl Ad. Perhaps I posted too soon as further research revealed that the profiled puppeteer is in fact real. So let’s use this tempest in a teapot as a teachable moment shall we and provide with some local marketing advice.

  1. Use Your Location On Your Pages & In Your Title Tags
    Not done.
  2. Make Sure Your Business Name, Address & Phone Number Appear in Text on the Site, Ideally Wrapped in Schema
    Well, I do see a phone number.
  3. If You Serve Several Different Cities, Create a Page For Each
  4. Claim your Google Places for Business Page
    Gwen hasn’t
  5. Make Sure Your Business Data is Present/Up To Date on Google+, Yelp, Apple Maps, Other Top Local Search Sites & Business Data Aggregators
    Puppets By Gwen Isn’t
  6. If You Know You Are About To Get Millions of People To Your Site, Have Content Prepared That Helps Potential Customers Decide to Hire You
    I know the site is pretty new, but you’re appearing on the Superbowl and talking about how much business you do from your site maybe don’t have an empty Events section; maybe have some blog posts about your shows; maybe have some actual videos on your YouTube channel, etc.
  7. Make Sure Your Old Domains Redirect to the New One
    Gwen’s aren’t. This will help Google figure out that your new domain is the right one to rank.
  8. Don’t Let John Turturro Into Your House
    He can come off a little creepy at times.

I could go on and on.

The good news is that with the amount of backlinks Gwen’s site has received over the past day, all it should take is a little help and Gwen should be ranking for all sorts of stuff.

We can’t all have million dollar Superbowl ads for our business, but surely all of us can get the basics of Local SEO right.


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