The Biggest Loser Heart Rate Monitor Wins: SEO Drafting

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by andrewsho

Roller Derby Drafting

The Biggest Loser TV Show recently ran a segment that showcased one of their sponsor’s product that looked like a heart rate monitor. I was in the market for a heart rate monitor and was searching around the Web and discovered this Biggest Loser diet story. I did a search on “biggest loser heart rate monitor” and saw that an article from entitled “The Biggest Loser: A Heart Rate Monitor Can Have Incredible Impact on Fitness and Health” ranked near the top for the search.

So what does this have to do with your little local site?

The technique Numetrex used is what I like to call “SEO drafting” – the art of associating your business with current events (or other popular search terms) to take advantage of high volume searches that you can rank for. While Numetrex was not a sponsor of The Biggest Loser they had a product similar to the sponsor’s. And when short attention span jokers like me start searching that thing we heard about on the show we search generically (because who can remember brands these days?) for terms like “Biggest Loser heart rate monitor”. Numetrex’s post enabled them to rank for this kind of search and show up instead of the sponsor.

So how can a local business use SEO drafting?

If you were a store in Pleasanton that sells heart rate monitors you could have posted a similar article and possibly shown up for these kinds of searches. Of course it may not have done you much good unless the searcher was in your service area.

So maybe Project Runway is featuring a dress similar to one you sell in your shop or maybe another business down the street is running some big promotion that you can imitate or at least mention on your site. Start drafting and start selling…


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