SMX Advanced: Stephan Spencer:Fo Shizzle Linkbuilding

Author Image
by andrewsho

Stephan Spencer of NetConcepts.

High Value Link Targets:

Find PR10 /9 Sites:,,, etc.

Look for sites one click away from Google

They have a new tool that involves the Google Directory.

Use a Backlink Anchor Text analysis tools:

  • SEOMoz
  • SEOBook
  • Jim Boykin’s Tool

Networking in the Blogosphere:

  • Comment on “dofollow” blogs
  • Submit to blog carnivals
  • Be a contributor to a group blog
  • Find old, inactive “free” hosted blogs with a relevant theme and request their login credentials for a fee (love that one)
  • A tip jar indicates the blogger is desperate for cash

Redistribute Your Home Page Link Authority

  • Mine your existing backlinks and ask linkers to retarget the home page links to deeper pages and rewrite anchor text

Conditionally 301 Inbound Affiliate Links

  • If you manage an affiliate program if you detect a bot crawling via an affiliate link 301 redirect the url to a deep page to get the inbound link credit
  • Demand each affiliate put a link on the their legal notices page to you

Update: The conditional redirect tactic was roundly disparaged by the search engine reps at the show as serious spamming.  Proceed at your own risk.
Networking in “MeatSpace”

  • Build relationships with bloggers by attending
  • Register and attend conferences that link to their attendees (e.g. WordCamp, Lockergnome)
  • Contribute to conference wikis
  • Give free talks at libraries & campuses
  • Get involved in local meetups – the meetup pages will pass link juice to your site


  • Contribute to Wikipedia (not easy)
  • Contribute to other wikis (New PR Wiki), the WordPress Codex
  • Create your own Wiki


  • Videos
    • Diet Coke + Mentos
    • Blendtec’s “Will It Blend”
    • Intuit’s TurboTax Tax Rap contest
  • Vital Content
    • Quizzes
    • Widgets
      • Swicki
  • Microsites
    • Counterfit Mini
    • Mentos Intern
    • Gizoogle – check out the title tag
  • Utilities
    • Write a WordPress plugin
    • Just released a WordPress personality quiz plugin
    • Write a Firefox extension


  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Mail
  • LinkedIn

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