SMX Advanced: Bot Herding by Stephan Spencer

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by andrewsho

Stephan Spencer at of NetConcepts on bot herding:

On Blogs:

  • herd bots to permalink URLs
  • Include sig line and headshot photo at bottom of post.  Link to original permalink URL.

Ecommerce site duplication:

  • Selectively append tracking code for humans
  • Probably herd bots to “View All” pages but you will need to test how many products and page number links to include on the pages as mileage will vary

PageRank Leakage:

  • You have to use the NoFollow to block PageRank leakage

Rewriting URLs

  • Do it but use 301 redirects

Regular Expressions

  • Use the right characters when pattern matching as you can make easy mistakes.

A lot more tech info that I will post later.  Stephan has a lot of great advice.


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