SMB Linkbuilding on the Cheap

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by andrewsho

In case you didn’t know it already, that website you invested all of your hopes and dreams in – actually that website you invested way too small a percentage of your hopes and dreams in to achieve any tangible results for your business – needs links to be able to rank well in Web search.

There are plenty of ways to go about getting links but most of them involve spending a lot of time and money for an uncertain return on the investment.  So let’s make it simple for you.

Flattery will get you everywhere.

There are several companies that are spending a lot of money to try and get your attention Mr./Ms. SMB website.  Many of these companies have raised several million dollars from hard-ass venture capitalists who expect to see a return on their investment.

You can imagine that these companies would be eager to crow about how much SMBs love them. So show them some love!

Write a blog post about your favorite service (hopefully it is your favorite) and there is a good chance the company’s will notice it via a Google Alert or some other buzz measurement thing.  And once they see it there’s a good chance they’ll link to it.

And Bob’s your uncle.


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