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by andrewsho

I pride myself on being able to explain SEO concepts in a clear, simple fashion to my clients, but today a potential client told me that for her SEO was about as “clear as mud”. I think we all have subject matter where we naturally tune out and the information has hard time sinking in. For a lot of people new to SEO this is clearly the case. So here’s the super simplified version: SEO is public relations.

PR campaigns try to communicate messages to target audiences in the context where they are most likely to be receptive like magazines, newspapers, etc.

SEO tries to get your message in front of your target audience in the context where they are most likely to be receptive like search results and social media sites.

The big difference between SEO and traditional PR is that I don’t have to try to get Google to come to my press conference.

(apologies to all PR professionals for massive over-simplification to make a point)

Local SEO Tip of the Day: In case you missed it read my post on Keyword Expansion


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