See You Next Week At LocalU Advanced in Williamsburg

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by andrewsho

Hey gang,

If you want to go deep on local search strategy with a Colonial tinge, you can do no better than the LocalU Advanced in Williamsburg, VA on March 5th. The LocalU’ers were kind enough to invite me out to talk about all the wacky stuff we have been doing with Apple’s new Spotlight Search. I will be joined by a cast of Local luminaries including:

Aaron Weiche of GetFiveStars
David Mihm of well, David Mihm
Mary Bowling of Ignitor Digital
Mike Ramsey of
Will Scott of Search Influence
Joy Hawkins of Imprezzio Marketing
Joel Headley of Alphabet
Florent Abaziou of Marriot
Harris Schacter of CapitolOne

It should be a fantastic learning experience for all. If you are in the area and pretending like you have something better to do, I encourage you to check it out.

Details here.

Here’s my swanky pro badge.

LocalU Williamsburg



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