Search Engine Optimization & Google Insights

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by andrewsho

For those of you who haven’t checked out Google Insights yet, I definitely recommend it for keyword research. In short the tool provides you with trend data on how popular a keyword search has been over time and it allows you to filter the data by location, something local marketers should all appreciate. There still is a lack of data for niche local searches. for instance there is no data for queries for “las vegas carpet” in Nevada, but the tool seems to cover the terms that get more volume such as “carpet” in Nevada.

I’ll have more to say about the tool soon, but I found the Insights graph below worth noting to my readers in the SEO biz.  According to Google Insights SEO is a serious growth business, especially when compared to the average business search (“Business” related searches are represented by the relatively flat line).

SEO Market Size

Update: I guess it would have been more on theme if I had shown you the Local SEO graph so here it is.  And it is kicking ass. (sorry for the poor image quality)

My favorite German blogger, Tad Chef, has some further insights on Insights and SEO 2.0 that are worth checking out.


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