Pubcon Austin 2023 Event – Multi-location SEO Magic for SERP Nerds

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by WillMorriss

Join us at the Pubcon search marketing conference Tuesday, February 28th, in Austin, Texas! The conference will take place at the AT&T Conference Center on the University of Texas campus, where CEO of Local SEO Guide Andrew Shotland and moderator Joy Hawkins will be talking about what big data can do for local SEO! We are presenting new research LSG has conducted that multi-location brands definitely won’t want to miss!


Using big data and machine learning for multi-location scaling can be a game changer that seems like magic. We’ll talk about local SEO best practices for multi-locations and how to use AI and machine learning to take your local SEO to the next level. This session will look at how to use big data for local SEO, GBP, and the role of distance to the centroid for local rankings. The presentation will include case studies that demonstrate how to increase local rankings at scale.

Time & Date

Date Tuesday February 28
Time 4:15p 5:00p
Location Salon C
Format Standard Conference Session

Speaker Bio

Andrew is CEO of a leading SEO consultancy with a specialty in Multi-Location SEO for 15 years.

Andrew is editor of the Local SEO Guide blog, which includes their definitive Local SEO Ranking Factors study. He has been a regular contributor to SearchEngineLand and co-founder of, the association of Bay Area search marketing professionals.

Andrew has over 20 years of experience in the Internet.  He was a founding member of NBC’s Internet group and former GM of He helped start Insider Pages, a pioneering local-social search engine, which was acquired by CitySearch in 2006.


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