Peace Out To You, Sugar Rae!

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by andrewsho

When I got into this biz in the previous decade, there weren’t as many of you goofballs out there sharing all of your amazing SEO insights as there are now. As an SEO newbie, I was always on the prowl for the voices of SEO pros who didn’t sound like they were full of shit and who weren’t pushing their “sign up for my ten-step course” squeeze pages and e-books. Mostly I was looking for people who seemed interesting.

I don’t recall how I stumbled upon her – though it was likely via StumbleUpon – but the minute I saw her voice online, SugarRae had me hooked. Rae could have been a nun for all I knew, but the way she presented herself online, she was a total badass, take-no-prisoners, got-no-time-for-your-SEO-guru-bullshit, brutally honest, and funny as hell marketer. I always got the feeling she was great at what she did. I was psyched to be in the same industry as someone like SugarRae.

And she had the best damn logo:

Today, Rae announced that she is leaving the SEO world to build AudreyMicah Investments which I fully expect to quickly become the best real estate investors in Katy, Texas. If you are looking to sell a house in Katy, Texas or buy a house in Katy, Texas you should check out her new sites. I certainly hope we don’t pick up any clients who are competing in her markets…

Rae and I only met once or twice in person over the years at conferences, but we had our moments on Twitter:

Peace out to you, SugarRae!


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