Patch Local Voices = Google Local Citations

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by andrewsho

Arianna Huffington announced’s “Local Voices” program today:

Starting today, we are welcoming new bloggers to Fridley Patch (and other Patch sites around the country) through our new Local Voices blog feature. Local Voices will complement Patch’s original reporting, allowing you, as a member of the community, to speak up and speak out to your neighbors – whether they’re across town, a block away, or two doors down. Local Voices reflects our belief that community residents feel deeply about their local issues, and deserve the chance to share their thoughts on issues great and small.  As a forum for thriving conversation, Local Voices will connect all members of the community – be it the mayor, a school principal, a businessperson or a member of your family.

The only way to win at Local SEO in the long term is with unique locally-sourced content.  Patch/AOL definitely has the ability to attract a lot of contributors.  It will be interesting to see if Local Voices becomes the soap box for interesting local voices trying to shed light on the issues or for savvy local marketers trying to bump up their local citations.  Probably a bit of both.

Pleasanton Patch has done a pretty good job thus far.


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