Online Coupons = SEO Gold

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by andrewsho

Crazy Eddie - His Prices Are Insane!

If you could only add one more keyword to your site I would strongly suggest you consider the word “coupons”. I am hard-pressed to think of any other term that carries so much SEO juice. Everyone likes a deal after all.

Every product or service has the potential for a coupon. By adding a page on your site that targets this keyword you have now made yourself available for a wide variety of new searches. Let’s say you are selling painting services in Pleasanton, CA and you now have a 10% off coupon on your site, here are some of the searches you could rank for:

  1. Painting coupon in Pleasanton
  2. Painting coupon in Pleasanton, CA
  3. Painting coupon Pleasanton
  4. Pleasanton painting coupon
  5. Paint coupon in Pleasanton
  6. Paint coupon in Pleasanton, CA
  7. Pleasanton paint coupon
  8. Pleasanton coupons
  9. Coupons in Pleasanton
  10. etc.

Even better is if some of the brands you carry are running coupons either at your store or someone else’s. Be sure to create a page that promotes each of these offers. For example “Benjamin Moore Paint Coupons”.

I particularly love the idea of % off coupons for businesses in service categories where there is no standard pricing so the customer gets 10% off your usual price which you just marked up 10%.

But you’d never do anything like that right?


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