Naming Your Business With SEO/Linkbait In Mind

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by andrewsho

Warning: This post is not for those who are weak of heart or small children. If you use the safe search option on Google or a V-chip turn back now. You are in the wrong place. Really. Stop. I mean it.

Dr. Robert G. Aycock Bay Area Plastic Surgeon & Silly Name

There have been a lot of posts on the Web about how to use branding and social media to your advantage. Sometimes it just happens by accident as I discovered when Mike Belasco, a Denver SEO Expert, sent me a great example of how one of his clients with an unfortunate name is getting links a plenty today.

Check out this post on on When Middle Initials Go Wrong. Apparently his client, a San Francisco Plastic Surgeon, has been getting a lot of traffic from this and more importantly, links. As you may know getting links back to your site is key to moving up in the rankings on Google and other popular search engines.

Thanks to this linking and I suspect some fine on-page SEO work done by Mike, the good Doc Aycock is now on page one of Google for Cosmetic Surgery San Francisco and Bay Area Plastic Surgery. After all those years of what I am certain was endless social abuse the name is finally paying off. Sort of reminds me of that Johnny Cash song “A Boy Named Aycock”.

So the next time you are sitting around brainstorming the perfect name for your exciting new jewelry business remember you can do a lot worse than something like G. Aycock Rings.

Ok the kids can come back in the room now.


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