Michael Taylor of The Kelsey Group – The Selling to SMBs Landscape

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by andrewsho

Let’s start out the conference with a little liveblogging:

Michael Taylor of BIA Kelsey started out the Kelsey DMS ’09 conference with a “preconference” presentation on the landscape of selling marketing services to SMBs.

The number of local media choices is increasing – TV, Yellow Pages, Newspaper, Radio, IPTV, Mobile, PayPerCall, etc.

Questions SMB’s ask:

  • How do local media choices fit together?
  • Am I reaching a broader audience or more of the same
  • What are the best local leads sources?
  • Am I maximizing my advertising ROI?

How are local media companies reacting:

  • Forced bundles to penetrate advertiser base
  • Increasing discounts with multiple media purchased
  • Larger portfolios of media offerings
  • Specialized sales teams
  • Partnering with brand name media
  • More after the sale service and reporting

Who’s Winning The Battle?

  • Radio: 2.8% of Revenue from Digital ($402MM)
  • TV: 3.0% ($556MM)
  • Newspaper: 10.1% ($2,953MM)
  • Directories: 15.0% ($2,150MM)

    Newspapers & Directories have the lead in digital revenue.  Newspapers meet with their clients more often so they may have an advantage.


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