First time I have ever seen this message in Google Webmaster Tools. It reads:

“Search results clicks for [URL] have increased significantly. Yay!”


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3 Response Comments

  • Chris Angus  March 21, 2012 at 2:50 am

    Hilarity ensues.

  • liques jamer  April 11, 2012 at 10:28 am

    I have also got a similar message for one of my website..searched all over web but couln’t find an explaining about it…not sure if this is good or bad

  • aivil vin  May 18, 2012 at 9:54 am

    i also got the similar message for one of my blog posts-

    “Search results clicks for http://www.yoursite/yourpage have increased significantly. Yay! ”

    I’ve had something similar happen to me. One of my landing pages just made it to page 1 of Google for a competitive keyword, and I received the congratulatory email from Google. Then, the same day, ranking dropped to page 3, and impressions dropped dramatically. No idea what is going on.

    I think ‘give chance to others’ is a big part of the new Google algo change.