Matt Booth’s 2008 Predictions for The Yellow Pages Companies

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by andrewsho

Here it is straight from the man who spends all day long talking to Yellow Pages companies:

2008 will be the year of multi-channel expansion driven by yellow page companies.  These co’s will start moving their advertisers across multiple media platforms – Ad sponsored DA, Mobile, IYP, Search, etc.

Call-tracking will unify platforms.

Yellow Pages headings will begin to move to Value Based Pricing in under-developed headings in an effort to grow ad base and content.  (This is big)

SEO/SEM landing page optimization will become central to all local efforts.  Platforms will be ubiquitous.

Verticalization will accelerate.  Consumer and expert reviews will continue to grow in importance.   Remember Matt I called it here first with my YellowPages 3.0 post!

Mobile will become the next search product and current advertisers will be pushed into the mobile experience.


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