LSG has a Newsletter!

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by WillMorriss

LSG has a newsletter?! 

Hell yeah, we do. 

LSG just launched a LinkedIn newsletter called Page 1: SEO Research & Tips

This newsletter will be a gold mine for SEOs, stakeholders, and anyone looking for fresh SEO research and organic insights. 

We’ll be posting monthly to give you the rundown on the latest research LSG has been conducting to unravel google’s dirty secrets, our hot takes on trending topics in search, and helpful SEO tips.

You can catch our 1st post about 7 quick hacks to figure out why your traffic is tanking and subscribe here.

We’ll also be holding monthly live SEO hours events on LinkedIn so, if you aren’t following us already, click the button below so you get updated when our next session drops.

In our latest SEO office hours, we covered common reasons for a traffic drop, how to diagnose them, and how automated tagging can help simplify the process. Watch the video recording or read the recap here.


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