BIA/Kelsey Local Media Forecast – #ILM10

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by andrewsho
Some highlights from Neal & Matt’s opening talk:
  • $133B in local ad spend in 2010
  • Predicting flat local ad spend in 2011 but rising by about 3%/year over the next three years
  • Interactive is 7% of local media revenues v. 8.3% for print yellow pages.  TV will continue to be a big chunk with 19%.
  • Local digital media = $20B in 2010 and will grow about 17%/year
  • 2011 = “The Opportunity of Trust” driven by transparency.
  • In 2009 32% of SMB intended to build a page on a social network.  In 2010, 48% of SMBs have created a Facebook Page


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