Jason Calacanis Starts Local Search Conference: Local Search Summit

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by andrewsho

Actually this conference was Steve Espinosa’s brainchild but he has brought in a bunch of luminaries including Greg Sterling, Atif Rafik of Yahoo Local & Steve Stukenborg of Google TV.  There will be a number of other local search rock stars including David Mihm, Will Scott, Gib Olander of Localeze, Mike Boland of the Kelsey Group, Court Cunningham from Yodel and more, including yours truly.

Local Search Summit is on July 17th, 2009 at the JW Marriot in San Francisco, CA.  Admission is $495.

Read the official announcement.

And here’s the agenda

And here’s how to get tix

Hat’s off to Steve for making this crazy idea of his a reality.


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