Is Groupon Trying To Buy $6 Billion of Google Adwords

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by andrewsho

If you are feeling tight in Orlando, FL and searching for some Bikram Yoga to loosen up you would probably be compelled to click on the first ad below that promotes “Orlando Bikram Yoga Deals” (sorry for the crappy graphic):

The problem is that when you click on the ad, you go to this GrouponURL which today is all about an Orlando coffee deal:

Nowhere on that page is there anything about Bikram Yoga or any other kind of yoga. While I suppose at some point in the future Groupon could offer a Bikram Yoga deal in Orlando, this feels kind of like a bait and switch to me and it may be a violation of Adwords TOS.

<Insert Google/Groupon conspiracy theory here>

Hat tip to David Bayer at Databanq Internet Marketing Services for pointing this one out.


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