Is Google DeIndexing Place Pages?

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by andrewsho

Not sure if GOOG is manually deindexing Google Place Pages or if this is just the algorithm at work – often new pages rank well and then disappear for a few days – but some of the Place Pages I referenced in yesterday’s post on Google Place Pages SEO are now gone:

The Place Page for Zurich Hauptbahnof was on page one this morning but now it’s not in the top 100.

Several Place Pages showed up for this query but now none do.

Still seeing a Place Page on page one for Burdick Chocolate Cafe Boston though.

It is possible that GOOG is responding to the plethora of articles that have come out over the past 72 hours speculating that Place Pages is the beginning of the end of life on the planet as we know it, but then again it’s probably just the algorithm.

And how you feel about that depends on whether you think life is more Matrix or more Terminator.


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