Inactive Groups = Traffic Opportunities

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by andrewsho

This Is Broken But It Works For Me

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about the Best Passover Book Title Ever. I thought the book cover was such a classic that it deserved a submission to This Is Broken, a site I found several years ago that I loved. It features bone-headed product design choices such as this classic playground location. I submitted the link to my post and it has stayed at the top ever since as the board is not too active. It is active enough to generate traffic and I have been getting a nice steady stream of clicks every day for the past three weeks. Nothing that is going to change my business but every little bit helps right?

You might do well by looking for relevant online groups that have been around for a while so they have a lot of content to attract searchers, but are not too active so you can put up a post and have it stay on top for a few months.

Ok I’ve gotta go hit the playground now.


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