I’m a Mortgage Broker, I Mean SEO

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by andrewsho

Rand Fishkin posts about the SEO growth phenomenon that many of us in the business have been in experiencing over the past year.  As the economy sours, more and more businesses have come to the realization that the ROI of SEO is hard to beat, and that they will be beaten if they are not in the game.

So what does this mean for you and me?

  1. SEO consultants are going to be very busy and hard to get a hold of over the next quarter or two

  2. Just like any idiot (read “me”) could get into real estate a few years ago and make a buck, SEO is now going to start attracting a large number of people who previously had jobs at start-ups, banks, real estate agencies, possibly auto makers, etc.  Don’t be surprised if the guy who just turned you down for a loan offers to get you to page one of Google for your keyword.


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