How To Get A Link From A Blogger

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by andrewsho

Most Awesome SEO EverEvil SEO


From: Peter Gregory

Subject: From one SEO to another – ya got some broken links

Message Body:
Hey Andrew,

It’s been awhile, but a little over a year ago I contacted you about a blog post and press release we wrote that included a quote from you in reference to local SEO.

You had mentioned that you would even list our site on your list of IYP’s here: /how-to-update-your-internet-yellow-pages-listings-for-free/

So I was thinking hell yeah, this dude is cool!  However, I’m guessing that our site sucked bad enough for you to not be interested at the time.  Well GREAT news!  Our site doesn’t suck (too much) anymore!  In fact, we have grown nicely over the course of the last year and wanted to ask that you might consider giving us another chance 😉

Also in the good ole fashioned spirit of link building out reach, I figured I give you an incentive as well and show you some links on the page that are broken so you can remove those filthy competitors off that wonderful page of yours or (if you absolutely have to) just replace them with links that work.  Alright, they may be competitors, but if that’s what you want to do I’ll even give you the working links to make your life that much easier.  Just ’cause I like ya! should prob be changed to: should prob be changed to:

Now if that isn’t enough to convince you I don’t know what else I can do.

Oh wait…got one more idea!  I have two very nice pics (if I do say so myself) that were not doctored in anyway with crappy photoshop skills and feel completely comfortable denying that in any court of law.  You can check out these amazing photos here for initial reference:

I can delete one of them based on how well my message is received 😛

Your decision…time to play hard ball.



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