Google Plus Friends Are The New Link

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by andrewsho

It’s pretty clear that Google Search Plus Your World – Boy that sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel where some machine has taken over and is breeding humans for advertisers (never happen right?) – could radically alter the SERPs for queries that match up with content with strong social signals in your network – or not-so-strong signals as we are seeing in the early version.

That means that a huge economy is going to grow up around influencing social signals and connections on Google+. If I am connected to a plastic surgeon’s Google+ page and one of my Google+ friends is searching for a nose job, it seems likely that eventually that connection will help the good doctor show up higher in my friends’ results. And we all know where that kind of thing can lead.

Hence my new acronym for Search Plus Your World – SPeW (or G-SPeW).


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