Google Places Questions Answered

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by andrewsho

Mike Blumenthal has a great recap of a recent webinar held by the Google Places team where they answered a lot of frequently asked questions.  Here are a couple of my faves:

Q: Can we use call tracking phone numbers in our listings? if not, why?

A: No, please use the most local phone number available. As I mentioned in the presentation, Google aims to provide the most useful and accurate information for users, so a local phone number is preferred.

Q: Do we list all the practitioners on our wellness centre Places account or have each business set up their own Places account? the phone number and address is the same for everyone. 18 massage therapists – acupuncturists etc. — thanks so much :-)

A: If each practitioner is meant to be individually contactable or individually reviewed by users, then you should you should create one listing for the actual Wellness Center and  listings for each practitioner. Each practitioner can create their own individual listings so that he/she can add more personal details about his/her specialties.


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