“Google Now Sees Owner Written Descriptions As Pretty Much Worthless”

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by andrewsho

You're All Worthless and Weak

Brother Blumenthal preaching the gospel when asked if there was any SEO benefit to varying your business’ description on different local directories:

“If there is a benefit, it would be quite small. Although there is no exact understanding of how Google uses directory descriptions, it would seem to be a minor or non-issue.”


“As a proof of the low esteem in which Google holds descriptions, look at how little the Google+ description field is actually used by Google itself. The descriptions entered by the business owner only appear on a page that is hardly seen at all by users. Since reviews have been pushed to the front page and Places search was removed, a user needs to click between two and four times to get to the Google+ “About” page where the description resides and that just isn’t going to happen.”

That said, I have a bone to pick with this assessment

“I have seen no indication that strong directory entries like Yellow Pages, Superpages or Yelp are not shown in search results due to a duplicate description.”

The key word here is “strong”. Strong sites can basically do what they please. It’s the not-so-strong sites that would benefit from having unique business descriptions, in the same way that a 2nd tier online retailer would benefit from having a different product description than Amazon’s.

Mike has some interesting thoughts about IYP categories as well.

(via Max Minzer)



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