Google My Business API Now Takes Menus

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by andrewsho

Mr CreasoteThe Google My Business Help blog now says you can add a menu to your GMB listing via the API according to the new menu guidelines for Google My Business.

According to the guidelines, there are two kinds of menus:

  • A menu for an eating and drinking establishment (like restaurants or cocktail bars) that lists the complete set of food and drink items that are available at the business.
  • A menu for a service business like a barber, spa, or car repair shop that lists the complete set of services that are available at the business.

I think we will continue to see Google continue to make the GMB API open to as many of these common business objects as possible. Ultimately I expect it to become a clearing house for most of the standard digital marketing services for SMBs (e.g. appointment scheduling, loyalty programs, etc.). GMB could be the ultimate integration point for SMB POS systems and in some ways could become the POS system itself.

Here at Local SEO Guide, we have a fabulous seasonal SEO menu. I highly recommend the White Hat Link Truffles with a side of Audit Foies Gras.

Fetch monsieur a bucket!






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