Does Your Website Designer Rank Higher In Google Than You Do?

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by andrewsho

Cabinet Center on Google

Here’s something that really chaps my hide – web designers who take advantage of a client’s general ignorance of how the Web works and use a client’s site to promote themselves at the expense of the client.

Take my good friends over at The Cabinet Center. They wanted a nice flashy website to showcase their great cabinetry (let’s not even talk about why using a Flash-only website is problematic for SEO) and they hired a designer. The designer decided that the Cabinet Center’s potential customers would get a lot of value out of seeing a link to the designer’s site in the top right of every page of the site. Check out the home page:

Cabinet Center Home Page

Adding insult to injury (or maybe adding more injury to injury), if you search “The Cabinet Center” in Google, the designer’s name shows up as the first text in the description below the link. See graphic above or click here.

Now in the designer’s defense, the guys at The Cabinet Center probably were not paying enough attention to what he was doing and were probably happy to have someone build them a site that had moving pictures on it.

The moral of the story: If you are in the midst of building or redesigning your site and see your developers name popping up on your pages you may want to ask yourself “how else is this guy screwing me?”


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