Death of the Big Media In-House SEO?

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by andrewsho

Outhouse consultant

This week I have been approached by a number of potential clients who have been working with in-house SEO groups from large media companies. I had not been aware of that these groups were now selling services outside of their companies. I had a few of reactions:

  1. The prices these groups are charging are amazing (time to raise my rates!)

  2. It seems like a number of these relationships came about as a result of investments by the media co’s. E.g. I invest in you and as part of that investment I require you to hire my SEO team.

  3. Are these in-house groups so underutilized that they have time to service clients outside of the corporation? If so why does the corporation need an in-house SEO group?

  4. Are these media co’s looking at SEO as a new profit center? If so why are their clients looking for alternatives? Is this just normal client churn?  Can an in-house SEO group effectively service an out-house (insert joke here) client without conflicts arising? What happens when the mother ship needs all of your attention? How do you prioritize?

I guess it’s no different for us outhouse consultants juggling all of their clients except that no one client has such a hold on me because it pays my salary or my benefits, provides 401k matches or throws a lame holiday party for me every year.

To my readers who are in-house SEOs who also service outside clients I’d love to hear more about how your businesses are structured.


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