DDL: Seth Gardenswartz of SpaBoom
Like most other SMBs, spas could give a flying $@!%$* (did I spell that right?) about technology, SEO, search engine advertising, anything with the word “click”, SERPs, etc. “Sticky” is never a good term in the spa industry.
1/3 of avg. spa revenue from gift certificates. SpaBoom’s pay for performance private labeled online gift certificate model enabled them to pick up 10% of the market in 2 years. About 2300 active clients.
New clients add 20-30% to total sales
40% avg increase in online sales y-o-y
combined network has sold $23MM using SpaBoom
Many average over $1,000 per month
Just did a partnership with SpaFinder.
Going into restaurants next with Entreeboom. Partnering with Zagat. That’s pretty cool.
I like this business.