Voices of Search Podcast Recap: WTF is Multi-Domain Cannibalization? 

TLDR: Andrew Shotland, CEO of Local SEO Guide, recently appeared on the podcast Voices of Search to talk about domain cannibalization. You can catch the full episode here as well as the recap below. Having multiple domains can be tricky, and there are some pitfalls and questions you have to consider when managing them from an SEO perspective. Andrew Shotland explains, “As SEOs, the majority of our time is spent figuring out what the problem is, and doing so creatively.…

Voices of Search Podcast Recap: Local Vs National Intent

  TLDR: It’s important to consider how local or national your SEO strategy should be to maximize your SEO investment. This ensures you are properly aligning your content, site structure, and keyword strategy effectively. Before you create content for a keyword check if there are local or city-specific results and check the keyword’s ranking in multiple cities  If there aren’t city-specific results then focus your attention on making pages focused on national search intent vs local search intent If the…

Website Redesign SEO: How To Redesign A Website Without Losing SEO

Redesigning a website can be stressful! The last thing you want to do is put a bunch of money, time, and work into a redesign to find out your shiny, new site’s organic traffic is tanking in comparison to the old version.  To help you avoid any SEO unpleasantness and be ahead of the curve, we’ve compiled a high-level overview of what you need to know and do to redesign a website without losing SEO.  You’ll also find a downloadable…

7 Ways to Diagnose a Traffic Drop

With the rollout of Google’s new Helpful Content Update, it’s likely there will be some volatility in rankings and traffic over the coming weeks. With that in mind, we thought it would beneficial to kick off our SEO newsletter with a few hacks we’ve picked up to quickly diagnose a traffic drop. We’ll cover 7 different ways you can figure out why your traffic dropped and show you how to monitor and mitigate traffic drops in the future. Most of the…

Live Event Recap – SEO Office Hours: How to Use Automated Tagging To Diagnose Traffic Drops

In our most recent SEO office hours session we discussed the question uttered (often in panic) by stakeholders and SEOs alike: Why Is My F@#k%*g SEO Tanking?!  We’ll recap the topics LSG’s Andrew Shotland, CEO, and Karl Kleinschmidt, VP of SEO Strategy, covered like: How SEOs currently analyze a traffic drop without big data What automated tagging can do to simplify figuring out traffic drops Automated tagging: a step-by-step guide A case study of how automated tagging helped our client …