Training GPT on Google Quality Rater Guidelines and Why You Shouldn’t Do It

Hello I’m Jess and today I’m gonna show you how to train your own GPT instance on the Google Quality Rater Guidelines and also tell you why it may not be a good idea to do that. Last week I made a thread about this on the blue hell bird site and now this is a longer version of that Tweet Thread. Copy the Colaboratory to follow along at home! Introduction Explanation of GPT and its capabilities GPT is the…

A Guide To Artificial Intelligence in Easy English

Soundtrack I had a conversation with my mum a while ago about the new DALL-E ‘thing’ that came out. My mum’s an artist and a writer– not a technophobe or a luddite by any means, but not a developer either. I’m not sure if I imagined the concern in her voice or not, but the tone of the conversation was bleak. The images generated by DALL-E were vivid, and beautiful, and seemed like art. Well, maybe that’s not fair. Maybe…

How to Think About Your Internal SEO Toolset

For those that missed the live webinar on February 10th, 2022, the following is a recording and a summary of the interview given by Jess Peck, Technical SEO & Machine Learning Engineer at Local SEO Guide and Clearscope’s co-founder Bernard Huang. They discussed SEO toolification and the best ways for agencies and SEOs to think about their internal SEO toolset.  [row][one_half] Bernard Huang- Co-founder of Clearscope Follow Bernard on LinkedIn here .[/one_half][one_half]   Jess Peck –  Machine Learning Engineer at…