Blogging SMX Local & Mobile 2008

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by andrewsho


So you want to know what goes on at those fancy local search conferences?  The wheeling.  The dealing.  The geo-location algorithms.

Do you stay awake at night dreaming of all of those stars of small business marketing as they walk down the red carpet, pausing only to smile at the paparazzi and wave to their fans in the cheap seats?

Would you gladly trade six pack abs for a ten pack ranking, but you can’t make it to the ball because of those evil stepsisters, Time and Moolah?

Well fear not, SMB Boys & Girls, yours truly will be covering the first day of SMX Local & Mobile 2008 on July 24th. Hopefully by then your trusted correspondent will recover from the extreme caffeine high he is on at the moment.

And to all the ships at sea (I couldn’t figure out how to fit that one in).


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